DIAZEPAM P.P.M 10mg 🇫🇷


    DIAZEPAM P.P.M 10mg 🇫🇷
    (Diazepam 10mg)

    1 box = 4 strips or 40 Tablets

    x1-9 Jar – €25
    x10-29 Jars – €200 (20)
    x30-49 Jars – €720 (18)
    x50-99 Jars – €750 (15)
    x100+ Jars – €1300 (13)


    • DIAZEPAM P.P.M Tablet is used for Anxiety disorders, insomnia, skeletal muscle spasm, prevention and treatment of delirium tremens, alcoholic withdrawal.


    • Diazepam ………………………………… 10mg
    • Excipients: q.s.f ……………………… 1 tablet


    • The dosage need to be individualized and as directed by your doctor’s prescription. In all case, the dose should be the lowest for the beneficial effect.

    Mode of administration:

    • Oral route. Duration of treatment: As directed by your doctor’s prescription.

    Side effects

    • Headache, asthenia, confusion, skin rash, decreased vigilance,…
    • Pregnancy: It is preferable to avoid the administration of this drug during the first trimester of pregnancy except if absolutely necessary. During the last trimester of pregnancy, avoid the administration of high dose.
    • Breast-feeding: In case of breast-feeding, the use of this drug is not recommended.

    Consult your doctor or pharmacist prior to starting or stopping a new medication

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